The body benefits from movement.

Yoga is not about touching your toes, it’s about what you learn on the way down.

Leading with kindness and love, I cherish my body in a way that I didn’t when I was younger. As a former marathoner, ultra runner, hiker, aerobic enthusiast and yogi, I now respond with care and intention to the ever so soft messages my body is sending me. I am listening, feeling, and responding.

Our bodies are different every time we step on the mat. My teaching style focuses on moving slower than flow classes - holding poses just long enough to settle in, feel, and listen to what your body is trying to tell you.

What people are saying

This is my favorite class I’ve taken in a long time. It’s the way Mari teaches. She infuses yoga philosophy with movement, creating space to tune inwards and reflect while moving, and preparing for stillness. Please share your Abundance playlist, it was simply magical. - Nikki

I was new to yoga a year ago. Unable to sit much less touch my toes, the movement was uncomfortable. Today I can sit with ease, touch my hands to my mat, and am so appreciative of Mari’s teaching style. My range of motion and balance has greatly improved. I feel it while playing pickleball and hockey. - Karen

Offering yoga classes that are accessible to every skill level and meet you where you are today.